suspects a conspiracy in the financial markets.
Conspiracy theorists of the world,
believers in the hidden hands of the Rothschilds and the Masons and the
Illuminati, we skeptics owe you an apology.
You were right. The players may be a little different, but your basic premise
is correct: The world is a rigged game.
Welcome to the real world, Matt.
He bases this on a couple of scandals that have recently
come to light:
…the fact that there may now be
price-fixing scandals involving both Libor and ISDAfix suggests a single, giant
mushrooming conspiracy of collusion and price-fixing hovering under the ostensibly
competitive veneer of Wall Street culture.
He believes this opens up the possibility that everything is
If true, that would leave us living
in an era of undisguised, real-world conspiracy, in which the prices of
currencies, commodities like gold and silver, even
interest rates and the value of money itself, can be and may
already have been dictated from above. And those who are doing it can get away
with it.
Even interest rates! And the value of money!!! Say
it ain’t so. Who or what is powerful
enough to rig interest rates – the price for time and risk of the commodity that is one side of
every single transaction in a division-of-labor economy - and rig the price of the money itself?
Matt thinks there is something new here:
These banks, which already possess
enormous power just by virtue of their financial holdings – in the United
States, the top six banks, many of them the same names you see on the Libor and
ISDAfix panels, own assets equivalent to 60 percent of the nation's GDP – are beginning to realize the awesome
possibilities for increased profit and political might that would come with
colluding instead of competing.
The banks are only now beginning to realize this? Come on, Matt – the world didn’t begin on the
day of your awakening. Those high up in
banking have known this for centuries. Those
on the outside have, for the most part, remained blind…until recently… thanks
to the internet and a certain (now former) congressman from Texas.
The banks have been colluding in the US with government
permission for one hundred years – I think they realized the possibilities of collusion
well before they had an official sanction to collude.
He finds fault in the justice system:
Two of America's top
law-enforcement officials, Attorney General Eric Holder and former Justice
Department Criminal Division chief Lanny Breuer, confessed that it's dangerous
to prosecute offending banks because they are simply too big. Making arrests,
they say, might lead to "collateral consequences" in the economy.
…this all-star squad of white-shoe
lawyers came before Buchwald and made the mother of all audacious arguments….
the banks could not possibly be guilty of anti- competitive collusion because
nobody ever said that the creation of Libor was competitive.
Not one comment pointing to the Federal Reserve or central
banking. I guess I welcomed Matt to the
real world a bit prematurely.
The only reason this problem has
not received the attention it deserves is because the scale of it is so
enormous that ordinary people simply cannot see it.
In fact, the problem is so enormous that even Matt does not
see it. He thinks the corruption and collusion
has its roots in the too-big-to-fail banks, without asking anything about what or
who is behind the too-big-to-fail banks.
The reason the problem has not received the attention it
deserves is because the politicians and much of the mainstream media is in on
the scam – knowingly or unknowingly.
How many people support the end of central planning in money
and credit? How many support
market-derived banking?
Conversely, how many call for better regulation or better
regulators? How many call for justice
from people employed by the same people who enable the system in the first
Matt, you are inching closer. Perhaps one day soon the scales will be fully
lifted from your eyes. The market could
never support corruption on this magnitude.
Keep looking, with honest intent, and you will find the answer.
Here’s a hint:
End the Fed.