I have received a few replies to my post, Where is Murray Rothbard? I will interact with a summary of these, but first a short summary of the purpose of that post: Rothbard wrote about and integrated several disciplines in order to come to a complete understanding of liberty. Beyond even economics and political philosophy, he would write about natural law, revisionist (honest) history, the corruption inherent in the modern state, an appreciation of the western civilization that gave birth to our notions of liberty, and entrepreneurship.
The purpose behind my question was to search for anyone or any group continuing this work:
While I admittedly am not familiar with everyone doing any work along the lines that Rothbard describes in this work, I am not familiar with any meaningful individual, group, or institution that is carrying it out.
This, other than Hans Hoppe, who stands singularly tall in this work…in my opinion.
As to the comments, several individual names were mentioned. Of course, Hans Hoppe, but in addition: David Gordon, Gerard Casey, Ryan McMaken, Jorge Guido Hulsmann, Jeff Deist, Tom Woods, Bob Murphy, Lew Rockwell, Dave Smith, CJ Engel, Pete Quinones, and Gary North.
This listing points to the reason for the title of this post. Are we left individually to curate our own content? This is no way to sustain and build a movement. Individuals create, but it is institutions that sustain and build.
Yes, I did ask for individuals as well as groups or institutions. I received many of the former, but only a couple of the latter. As far as institutions, the Mises Institute was offered; as far as groups, “the Mises Caucus guys.”
As for the individuals, there are some fine names offered. There are also some that, for one reason or another, I have stayed away from. For example, one of these, a few years ago, physically demonstrated the highest hypocrisy on an issue he loudly spoke against. Another I have found unsteady, unwilling or unable to follow through on commitments. No, I won't name names.
As for the institution and the group, I know little about the Mises Caucus. For the Mises Institute, it will be nice seeing who replaces Jeff Deist. Under Deist’s leadership, many of these various disciplines were pursued. From where I stand, it is only this Institute that has the potential, currently, to continue this work. I don’t know if this will continue, and have seen some evidence via an article posted at the site and also some oddities about a couple of upcoming conferences that this may not be the case going forward.
Having said this, there is enough from the list to do something with. A conference with a few of those mentioned as speakers, focusing on the integration of two or more of these topics, or a listing of relevant work – some form of site that brings together the writing and podcasts from a few of these individuals that also address specifically the integration of two or more of these disciplines.
It is quite unfortunate. Rothbard’s multi-discipline legacy is everywhere in all of these names. But it is to be seen if it will be found under any institutional umbrella.