Wednesday, June 19, 2024

An Alternate Possibility


“All warfare is based on deception.”

Elements in the United States, both within and outside of the federal government, see the current events in Gaza as the opportunity to free itself from the stranglehold that is Zionism and the state of Israel.

There is no doubt that, instead of being the United States’ most important ally, the state of Israel is its single biggest foreign policy liability.  Not that the United States can’t find ways to create liabilities on its own, but no other state so wags this dog and costs the United States a loss of international credibility as does the state of Israel.

“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.”

Have we seen more pathetic actors in foreign policy that those in the current administration, starting with Biden, and including Blinken, Austin, and Sullivan?  No, I don’t believe they are acting.  They are perfect for the role of appearing weak; they are playing the role perfectly because it is what they are, and the aforementioned elements may just be taking advantage of this by letting nature take its course.

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”

The United States is not fighting the state of Israel or the Israel lobby at all.  Yet this current conflict can and will only weaken the hold by the state of Israel on the United States.

“To know your Enemy, you must become your Enemy.”

It is easy to know this enemy.  The lobby has now had to come out in the open, completely visible to all.  Individual actors speak boldly and openly about not hiring students from various universities, withdrawing funding and grants, etc. 

Individuals in the highest positions of authority in the Israeli government are not shy about their intent – they speak openly and directly about it.  Israeli soldiers are proud of the most criminal behavior, posting videos online where they glory in their corruption.

The US government knowns this enemy because it is this enemy.  Listen to words from any one of hundreds of current and former US officials, ranging from Lindsey Graham to Mike Pompeo to Donald Trump.  No less shameless than those in the lobby or in the Israeli government.

And this is, if my alternate possibility holds any water, is easily used against Israel.

“The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent.”

There is no doubt that if my alternate possibility is true, that the enemy – both within the United States and in the state of Israel – cannot fathom the intent.  Even if they could, I don’t think they would know how to stop.  Which, again, is a “know your enemy” thing.

“Ultimate excellence lies not in winning every battle, but in defeating the enemy without ever fighting.”

There is no way to fight the lobby and the US government head-on on this topic.  Using this approach, it is a battle that cannot be won.  Therefore, win without fighting.  Allow the enemy to do what it cannot help but do, and the entire edifice will come crashing down.

Whether or not I am correct, I think the end result is inevitable – distance created between the United States and Israel.  The only question is, will that end result come with or without the use of nuclear weapons by the state of Israel.


All quotes from Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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