Sunday, January 5, 2014

World War Next

This article draws attention to the parallels between 1914 and 2014, and how those parallels paint a picture of the possibility of a world falling into war today, just as occurred 100 years ago.  The author makes clear that the commonalities lead one to the possibility of a global war, a world war.

It is a worthwhile read, as the author identifies many parallels worth considering.  I will point out the differences between 1914 and today, and why these differences lead me to different conclusions.

Nuclear Weapons

One major difference is the existence today of nuclear weapons.  Prior to 1945, whenever the elite chose war as the means to bring about the desired change, they never faced the possibility their own destruction.

In this nuclear age, the destruction of the elite is not only possible – it is highly probable.  In a world where even a small fraction of the combined nuclear arsenal of the nuclear-armed states can turn the entire world into a glazed doughnut, no corner will be safe. 

What good is even the most comprehensive bomb-shelter?  To what kind of world with the surviving elite be delegated?  Will they want to live for several generations in an elaborate underground Airstream trailer?

It seems nuclear war, which is a very possible result of World War Next, will occur only a) by accident, b) after the elite have secured the possibility of residence on Mars, or c) if the elite have developed a Genesis device for the restoration of earth (of course, they and a several million willing participants will need to go off-planet during the activation of the device.  But where?).

The Internet

The elite can rule only through consent of the governed – this is true for every political organization scheme – from the most liberal to the most despotic.  The elite have developed elaborate tools of mis-education and mis-information – propaganda methods designed to influence the general public toward directions desired by the elite.

The internet is significantly altering this calculation.  There is increasing skepticism about the mainstream stories behind countless events: September 11 and the JFK assassination are two of the larger examples of events within the lifetime of many alive today.

This influence has helped impact the decision regarding the bombing of Syria, it seems to me.  For the first time I can recall, the United States was stopped from bombing a country that it previously said it would bomb.  Yes, it is only one event – but it could also be a start of a trend, a trend easily explainable by the influence of the internet in reducing the propaganda of the gatekeepers.

What type of propaganda will be required to gin up support in the western world for another world war?  A new Pearl Harbor of some sort?  Another September 11 with planes painted in the Chinese flag, and a picture of Mao on the tail?

As it is, for forty years the US has only been able to bomb the world by sheltering its citizens from any cost – no draft, no tax increases.  The wars have been pretty painless for the home front.

Will the people fall for the next Pearl Harbor to such a degree that a massive and total mobilization like that seen in WWII can be supported?  It seems unlikely in this information age.

The Elite’s Natural Replacement for the United States

As I have written often, events beginning toward the end of the nineteenth century and culminating with World War II were designed to transition elite power from Great Britain to the United States.  This was necessary given the limitations of Britain’s ability to maintain and extend global reach, and it was possible given the commonality between the two cultures.

There is no such replacement today – it most certainly isn’t China.  Does it seem plausible that the elite in China would be willing to share the skimming of their sheep with an Anglo power?  Why?  To what end?

China does not dream of being the replacement for the US in global empire.  There is nothing in their history or culture that would indicate this, whereas the Anglo history and culture was full of dreams of continued expansion for centuries.

As opposed to 1914, there doesn’t seem to be a new power waiting to be compelled into being the next primary tool of the elite.


I could be wrong.  If so, it won’t matter much.

But I don’t think so.

(HT Ed Steer)

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