Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Who are the Wolves?

Matthew 7: 15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

 Forgive the mixed metaphor.... There is a new book out: “Shepherds for Sale,” by Megan Basham, a journalist for the Daily Wire.  From what I gather, it is a book dedicated to exposing those Christian shepherds who are dedicated to or otherwise advancing leftist political agendas as opposed to focusing on what might be considered a traditional, or conservative, or even a “true” understanding of the gospel.

Normally, a book like this and on this topic would be right down my alley.  I have written occasionally about this issue and how it strikes me that we may be living through a time of testing in the Church – separating the wheat from the chaff when it comes to Christian leaders and Christians in general.

Apparently, this book has been much anticipated.  I, not being on X-twitter or any social media, knew nothing of it until Gavin Ortlund did a video about it.  Then a second.  Each is at thirty minutes or a bit less.  He did the videos because he found himself right in the opening chapter – a prominent shepherd for sale apparently.

The topic of the opening chapter is global warming and man’s effect (if any) on climate change.  In some earlier video some time ago, Ortlund said he has studied the issues and basically agrees with the scientific consensus (although, in truth, there isn’t a consensus – but that isn’t really important here). 

However, Ortlund does not make this a faith issue or anything of the sort.  He does say Christians should be concerned about the environment, and this is quite correct.  God put this responsibility there, right in the beginning of His book:

Genesis 1: 26 Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

Genesis 2: 15 Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it.

For Ortlund, his main point was that we should study the issue of climate change before pushing any strong opinion. 

Basham has included Ortlund in the book – in the first chapter – because of this.  Not via a steelman of his argument, but a strawman.  Ortlund addresses this in the two videos – the second of which was prompted by the social media commentary that followed his first video.

There is a very thorough article that walks through just how careless Basham is in her work on Ortlund and this topic.  The author (it appears anonymously) isn’t shy about his conclusion: “In Defense of Gavin Ortlund.”  His summary, which he defends very well (emphasis in original):

I think [Ortlund] is correct in his complaint that Basham badly misrepresented and mischaracterized his original video on climate change and, given the highly controversial nature of the book in which it appears, I think he has a right to be upset about it. 

The book is entitled Shepherds FOR SALE.  It is not a soft charge to be included in a book with such a title.  One should be quite careful about who is included in such a book, and that the charges are accurate.  In any case, if it is meaningful to you, take a quick read of this author’s defense of Ortlund.

Now, why am I going through all of this?  As noted, it is a subject important to me and one that I have written about occasionally.  Most recently here.  Looking at just the last decade or so: the embrace of pride, the reaction to covid, and now the genocide in Palestine.  In each case, many Christian leaders have failed.  In many cases, those who were strong on the first two failed and continue to fail at the third.

And this comes to my point.  When one wants to write about shepherds for sale in the Christian church, I would expect that the first several chapters are dedicated to those well-known Christian Zionists, especially those who head up or are involved in Zionist or Zionist-adjacent organizations.  If there is any group that might be considered “for sale,” it is this one, and it is a group that is supporting the most immediate violence against innocents.

Now…I haven’t read the book.  Maybe this comes up at some point.  But I doubt it; the table of contents includes all the expected topics: covid, illegal immigration, pride, etc.; but nothing on Zionism.  In any case, take a look at the first two endorsements:

“This may just be the single most important book on modern Evangelicalism in recent years. It is bold, clear, and very well-researched.” — John MacArthur, Pastor of Grace Community Church, and Chancellor of the Master’s University and Seminary

“Megan Basham is an indispensable voice in a chaotic time. Shepherds for Sale is a clarion call for churches to return to the faith of their ancestors —and to reinvigorate our republic by reinfusing it with eternal truths.” — Ben Shapiro, host of The Ben Shapiro Show, #1 New York Times bestselling author, and co-founder of The Daily Wire

It’s funny that Shapiro calls “for churches to return to the faith of their ancestors.”  This infatuation with a home for Jews only goes back only about 150 years in any meaningful sense, although it has early precedents in the sixteenth and seventeenth century. 

Prior to this, there was little if any such concern in the church of our ancestors.  When various European countries expelled Jews prior to the Reformation, I have not come across any meaningful movement to establish a home for them in Palestine as a prerequisite for Jesus’s second coming, for example.

MacArthur and Shapiro do videos together in praise and support of Israel’s genocidal actions.  I wouldn’t expect such endorsements for Basham’s book if the word “Zionism” comes up in any negative sense in this book.  In any case, we know that an author for the Daily Wire wouldn’t cross this line.

If someone more familiar with this book has evidence to the contrary, for example, if John Hagee of CUFI is mentioned and examined as such a shepherd for sale, let me know and I will retract these comments (but not a retraction about her strawman of Ortlund).


It is difficult to consider this book as meaningful on this topic when, right in the opening chapter, the author gets something so completely wrong: that is, her complete mischaracterization of Ortlund’s views (which, I understand she continues to defend in the face of this controversy).

But, to consider which shepherds are for sale without touching on Christian Zionism?  It is a book designed to distract from what is the Christian Zionist elephant in the room.  Pro-Christian support for genocide, all in the name of a false doctrine.


From the anonymous author, in defense of Ortlund:

…I do tend to disagree with Ortlund when he does weigh in on cultural debates. I like him much better on issues that are more central to his focus—theology and apologetics.

Same with me.  I recall a video he did on black lives matter.  A worthy topic for a Christian to take on during the slave era, or in the deep south in the 1960s, perhaps.  But during the last few years?  I just kept thinking: read the room, man.

On theology and apologetics: Ortlund recognizes that Protestantism is taking a beating online and on YouTube, and has dedicated meaningful time to laying out history and theology in defense of Protestantism and the Reformation.  There is no one I know that does it both as well as he does and with such grace and humility as he demonstrates.


  1. Ortlund and his ilk are busy defending themselves from this book but are using deceiving tactics to do so. Others on Twitter are doing a good job of replying to Ortlund's and others "defense", including Basham herself. I for one don't take Ortlund's defense seriously. Those defending don't site the references that Basham uses or they try to argue about definitions of words or ignore context. It is a truly Leftist/Marxist approach.

    Here is one article defending Basham against Ortlund's "defense"


    You are correct that she doesn't include the Zionist ties to Evangelical leaders, but that become much more recently an important issue. Basham started writing the book before October 7th happened. She is writing about the woke, covid, leftist push that has been prominent for at least the last 8 years.

    Christian Zionism is probably best categorized as a right wing problem anyway, so it doesn't fit in with what she is saying.

    I am much more worried about the left wing influences right now because I am seeing that Communists infiltrated the major denominations during the Eisenhower Administration. In the mid-50s already 3% were Communist and that number has been building ever since.

    I am staunchly against Israel's destruction of Gaza, and still am more concerned about what the Left is doing to my country. Plus, if you eliminate the Leftist influence over US politicians and churches you will also remove the Jewish Zionists which are in the government. If we can get the Jewish Zionists removed, then a good step would be to get the Christians Zionists removed. That will be more plausible under a more traditionally conservative, right wing populist, right wing libertarian regime, compared to who rules today.


    1. 1) Have you watched the subject Ortlund video?

      2) The Christian Zionists were a problem well before October 7. Events since October 8 only give undeniable evidence to this reality that was obvious to see well before this.

      Shepherds for sale need not only be on the left.

    2. I have watched various clips from various people responding to the book. These are all people I had on my "do not trust" list before. They have pushed the church left and destroyed those on the right that disagree with them.

      Yes. Christian Zionists were a problem before, but someone like Megan Basham would have had nothing in the news to highlight the issue to her. The issue should be talked about more in conservative circles. That is definitely a problem, but it is on the radar of libertarians and dissident right wingers, that is about all. Even paleoconservatives don't discuss it much and several are at least semi-Zionist themselves.

      You are of course correct shepherds can be bought on the right too, but I am not going to criticize a book that devotes its pages to just one side. It needed to be written. Now another book needs to be written about the control Israel has over our country and churches. Both topics are worthy of exposing.

    3. RMB, a couple of thoughts:

      1) I suggest watching the video. Thereafter, whatever opinion you form is whatever opinion you form. In other words, I respect your view, even if I may not agree.

      2) The book is entitled Shepherds for Sale; it really is a damning title. So, show me the money. If her only point was to identify Christian leaders taking the church left, a different title would have been more appropriate.

      As for Ortlund, at the time he was pastor of what I understand was a small church in Ojai, CA. No megachurch pastor was he.

    4. I will watch it when I have time. I also respect your perspective on things. I take everything you say seriously because I know you have thought through things thoroughly.

      I haven't read the book either. I have seen the disagreements on line. From what I have read and I listened to an interview of the author, there is an element in the book of people taking money. Sometimes it is directly, like the ERLC taking George Soros money and money from other NGOs. Sometimes it is indirectly, by getting positions of power and money in church conventions, publishing houses, and mainstream positions like with the NY Times.

    5. Here is an example of the kind of thing that has popped up on my Twitter feed.


    6. This will be my last one but it shows the original video where Ortlund is talking about climate change. It is pretty damning to me. He aligns climate catastrophism with "science", common sense, and the Bible/gospel.


    7. My last one also...and I appreciate our discussion.

      Even ignoring that she writes nothing of Christian Zionists (where, if there are any shepherds for sale, this is first on the list) and given that even if she was blind to this before October 8 last year... there was still time to add a chapter or two in this book before publishing - even if publishing had to be delayed a month.

      Paid by Daily Wire: just who is for sale?

      Andy Stanley and Rick Warren have done more damage to the church than any commentary on climate change by Ortlund or anyone else. Why not open with these two and how they have damaged the church?

      The two aforementioned shepherd churches that number in the multiple thousands, and carry national weight and presence. Ortlund? I think his church in CA had a hundred members or some such. If Ortlund was/is for sale, he sold cheap.

      Having considered this entire topic more, it is possible (likely) that Ortlund's reaction has more to do with being labeled "for sale" than it does the specific comments on climate change.

      Anyway, since I have responded, don't feel bound by your statement that you were done; at the same time, I feel we have exhausted this one.

      Always best regards, RMB

  2. You should runaway from any book endorsed by those men. They are the blind leading the blind.
