
Sunday, December 18, 2016

Trump’s Sunday Message

On the day before the Electoral College does its deed, Trump might consider offering a simple message to CNN, MSNBC, the Washington Post, etc., regarding the supposed hacking of emails by the Russians.

His message should focus on two things:

First, the content of the emails.  The content has not been disputed.  The mainstream news outlets are advocating that it is better that lies and deception are used to win an election rather than a fair hearing of factually relevant information.

Second, where are the facts?

Trump will be able to turn these two simple points into very effective tweets and talking points.  Whatever his shortcomings, he is fabulous at delivering simple, biting soundbites. 

Sunday is the day to deliver this message.


  1. Yea, Trump the propagator of facts, who won’t release his tax returns and tweets falsehood regularly.

  2. Poor Jack, unable to face fact that Hillary's campaign was so bad it boiled down to 'its my turn' and she rightfully lost.

    1. Poor Mom in Omaho can only respond to facts with a silly strawman.

    2. Jack, here is no strawman: Hillary is corrupt through and through; this should be obvious to even the most casual observer and impossible to understand for anyone for whom corruption is an acceptable social practice. In which camp do you fall?

      Trump, whatever his faults, has not displayed anything that might be comparable.

      "Oh, Trump won't release his tax return." BFD. Hillary has taken hundreds of millions in exchange for selling out the state, has led the charge toward the deaths of millions in the Middle East and North Africa, and has been a knowing recipient of untoward support from the DNC against Bernie.

      Yeah, I will ask again: in which camp do you fall?

    3. Bionic,
      Neither camp, I'm a principled libertarian. What Trump and his family profit off the use of his office will dwarf whatever Hillary has. His not releasing his tax returns significantly hides the facts relevant to this, along with other embarrassing ones. That a Trumpster doesn’t care about this isn’t surprising.

      Further, gaming the system to get away with paying contractors 15 cents on the dollar is corrupt. Using eminent domain as he has to make money is corrupt. The extent of his corruption while in power will not be known while he’s in office, as he will get away with keeping so much of what he does secret.

    4. To my knowledge, Trump has not been directly nor indirectly involved in killing, maiming and displacing tens of millions of people. To my knowledge, Trump has made his wealth in a manner significantly cleaner that anything done by the Clintons.

      We have plenty of time to condemn him for what he hasn't yet done while in office - given that he isn't yet in office.

      A "principled libertarian" wouldn't give two hoots about his tax returns. A "principled libertarian" would recognize the difference of killing millions vs. desiring to keep private information private.

  3. While I agree Mr. Trump may have his problems, they pale into insignificance when you look at Hillary's problems. Her corruption is so deep-seated and has been there so long, I doubt if she could live without it.

  4. when will the point be made that these "hacks" (or more accurately leaks) were not made on government servers. All of the "hacks" were on "private" servers. Remember the DNC and the RNC are private entities (they constantly remind us that they make their own rules, etc.) Podesta's email was a gmail account and Hillary's compromised emails were from a PRIVATE server. Will the USGov declare war on whoever hacked Yahoo's billion accounts?

    1. Good points, and ones to add to the list of items demonstrating that government protection of property only applies to them, not us.

  5. The news of "Russian hacking" has the characteristics of propaganda. For example, I have found that it is mostly low info people influenced on this matter, and they actually believe that the Russians hacked the voting machines. Of course the articles are written to leave this impression.

    1. Why do you use a picture of Tucker? It always distracts me from the point of your comments.

    2. Apologies for Tucker. Its supposed to be a subtle troll on Robert Wenzel but it looks like I am doing some collateral damage. Needless to say I disavow Jeffrey Cucker.
