
Wednesday, March 20, 2019

A Tale of Two Scandals

Volkswagen built cars that people wanted to buy.  They sold these cars by the hundreds of thousands, such was their popularity.  These cars killed no one – at least not in any manner unique to these cars.  For this, people lost their jobs and Volkswagen faces countless law suits and could easily be put into bankruptcy if it is so deemed by the US government.

Boeing builds planes.  It is possible that design and / or other flaws due to Boeing’s actions or inactions contributed to, if not caused, two of these planes to go down in recent months, killing over 300 people.

Assuming the fault is as currently speculated, let’s see how the US government treats Boeing and its executives.


  1. "Assuming the fault is as currently speculated, let’s see how the US government treats Boeing and its executives."

    It'll probably start a war with Venezuela for them.

  2. The US government and Boeing are in symbiosis. The host won't hurt its pet.

  3. Don't forget the Import Export Bank that grants Boeing cheap credit to sell to their aircraft. Taxpayers are on the hook.

    1. Good point. Though I think the bank is offering credit to Boeing's foreign buyers technically, but yes it amounts to a huge subsidy for Boeing with taxpayers sucking up all the risk. How generous of us!
