
Sunday, November 13, 2016

Open Letter to LeBron James

Mr. James

I write to you, because like hundreds of other powerful voices in America, you both endorsed Hillary Clinton for President and since then have lamented that she has lost. 

I certainly understand reasons for not endorsing Donald Trump; I can cite many reasons for which he is not deserving of an endorsement.  I suspect I can come up with a list longer than yours as I suspect that there are other items with which I disagree with Trump that you would actually support. 

My purpose is not to debate with you why Trump is better than Clinton or vice versa.  Instead, I will ask: why do you endorse Hillary Clinton?

I come to this question based on my reading of your op-ed endorsing Hillary Clinton for president.  Based on your stated reasons, there is little reason to accept that Clinton should be acceptable to you.  The reasons you cite are reasons to not endorse this individual for president.

I will offer:  Hillary Clinton is directly or indirectly responsible for actions and policies that have impacted – and will continue to impact – many of the people that you believe she would help.

·        She is responsible for the death and dislocation of tens of millions of people of color throughout North Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia.  Read of her role in Iraq, Libya, and Afghanistan only for the more recent examples.  Clinton advocates policies that will continue these disasters, ultimately leading to war (and potentially nuclear war) with Russia.
·        As to the African-American community in America, read Thomas Sowell.  He does a far better job than anyone of explaining why African-American communities have faced a significant decline beginning in the 1960’s and continuing to this day – after decades of steady improvement.  Clinton advocates policies that will only continue this trend.

Other things to consider:

·        Corruption.  One can easily conclude this one word describes Clinton, even if one only considers events of this campaign.  Yet, there is more, much more.  Consider a legacy of corruption during 25 years in national politics – to say nothing of the time in Arkansas.  They say where there is smoke there is fire.  But what can one say about more than 25 years of smoke?  I don’t know about you, but I don’t want my children growing up in a world where corruption like this is considered a role model.
·        In the previous two elections, this same America twice elected Barack Obama.  Suddenly, did the country turn racist?  Further, Trump did not win only with middle-aged white male votes.  Check he vote counts for every minority group and compare these to past elections.  It isn’t only white males that found the entire legacy of Clinton distasteful and untrustworthy.

I do not intend to write chapter and verse on the above points.  You are a thoughtful individual, and you know better than I do the weight of every statement you make.  It is for this reason that I humbly suggest you become better educated at such topics before you attach your name to such causes.  If this is important to you, it is easy enough to become educated on the two points above.

In any case, for these reasons and others I do not say that this then requires an endorsement of Trump.  I only ask again: why endorse Hillary Clinton?

Best regards

bionic mosquito


  1. "She is responsible for the death and dislocation of tens of millions of people of color throughout North Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia."

    That's ridiculous. Secretaries of State don't have the power to cause those things.

  2. Completely naive and ignorant statement, Jack. Perhaps you meant to say, "shouldn't have the power." Ok, agreed. But then Presidents also shouldn't have the power to send us to war through executive memos and declarations, simply by calling their action something other than "war." That is a power specifically left to Congress as supposed representatives of WeThePeople (yeah, that's become a totally sick joke, too). But unfortunately what "should and should not be" has become the exception rather than the norm in the corruption of power we've seen in our govt over the past decades.

    And then there's the word "cause." Perhaps not outright cause, but "enable"?--absolutely, when the powers that be behind the scenes are the ones pulling the other strings of control and not the law of the land.

    1. What I know is that Trumpsters and militant Hillary haters believe what they want to believe or are simply delusional.

    2. Jack believes that only the person who pulled the trigger is guilty. Jack believes that as Secretary of State or Senator, Hillary had no influence on the foreign policy of the United States government. Jack believes that it wasn't Hillary cackling at the sodomizing of Ghaddafi and therefore she share no responsibility for the destruction of Libya.

      "Clinton strongly supported the 2001 U.S. military action in Afghanistan, saying it was a chance to combat terrorism while improving the lives of Afghan women who suffered under the Taliban government.[244] Clinton voted in favor of the October 2002 Iraq War Resolution, which authorized President George W. Bush to use military force against Iraq."

      Must have been a different Clinton.

      "...she co-introduced legislation to increase the size of the regular U.S. Army by 80,000 soldiers to ease the strain."

      Maybe she wanted them in Iraq to play patty-cake.

  3. One problem: Lebron is not a thoughtful individual. The media portray him to be one, but nothing is further from the truth. He is a spoiled rotten sell-out. He is scum.

