
Wednesday, April 5, 2017

The Takeover is Complete

Seventy-five days.  A few days longer than it took for them to neuter Reagan, and only slightly more subtle in manner.
"Yesterday's chemical attack, a chemical attack so horrific in Syria against innocent people including women, small children, and even beautiful little babies, their deaths was an affront to humanity. These heinous actions by the Assad regime cannot be tolerated," Trump said.
"My attitude toward Syria and Assad has changed very much," he added.
Is Trump a simpleton, or did he find a horse’s head in his bed this morning?
"Working together, the United States and Jordan can help bring peace and stability to the Middle East and, in fact, the entire world," Trump said. "And, in fact, we will do that."
Heaven help us.  Let’s pray that this dying empire ends before it kills us all.
By the way, Bannon is out at the National Security Council as of today.  Is there a connection?


  1. "A few days longer than it took for them to neuter Reagan"

    6 more days and one less bullet. However, Pence is no H.W. Who is going to play point man behind the curtain?

    It may surprise some people here to find that my semi-support for Trump (you will find no hardcore Trump shilling in my comments) was not based on his immigration position, which is far to weak to do anything about whites becoming a minority, but on the few encouraging things he said with respect to the Syrian conflict- which is one of my main issues.

    I wanted to see a rollback of these zio-wars and was holding out hope through the past 75 days. Of noteworthy encouragement was the fact that he did meet privately with my Hawaiin Sky-Goddess Waifu (mine, don't touch) Tulsi Gabbard *prior* to her trip to Syria- where she met with the Syrian Social National Party :)

    However, it doesn't look like he is listening to her.

    Nimrata Haley is pushing the anti-russian zionist line hard right now. Bannon was removed from NSC as you mention. Trump's official statement accepted the lies around both alleged gas attacks while diverting blame to Obama's "weakness."

    I am very concerned about this. I am very concerned for the Syrian people being slaughtered by the Israel-US-Saudi coalition. I am concerned for what this means for the ethnic cleansing of Europe, since this is justification for it. I am concerned that this will lead to a potential domestic attack by the deep state.

    Either way though, I do believe that Syria will become the graveyard of the empire. It may not be obvious at first, but it will be to historians of the future. They are clearly desperate to push this through no matter the consequences. Hubris upon hubris. They are becoming weaker, but that makes them more dangerous.

    This will end and scores will be settled when the night ends.

    "Our life is a journey
    Through winter and night,
    We look for our way
    In a sky without light."

    -Song of the Swiss Guards

    1. The other question is will Russia and Iran stand by and let Syria fall? Can they afford for that to happen (Iran cannot)? The ultimate prize has always been Iran. And can the Chinese afford to stay on the sidelines much longer? If Russia and Iran decide to dig in beside Assad, the suicide train just got closer to WW3 station.

    2. So... there was, like, no chance of you giving this to us in straight language?

    3. Well articulated. I agree completely.

    4. The harm that they are doing to the country is irreparable.

  2. UC, speaking of March 30, 1981, what do you think the fate of John Hinckley would have been had he waited 28 years to make a an assassination attempt?

    Liberty Mike

  3. Trump is about to cross MY red line. If he gets us into a war with Syria (or Iran for that matter) then I will be calling for Trump to hang as a war criminal. I was willing to accept Trump as an imperfect president that would do a handful of important and necessary things, namely reducing the threat of immigration and ceasing these ridiculous wars, the policy of "invade the world, invite the world". But if Trump is going back on this promise and is collaborating with neoconservatives, then he is dead to me.

    1. He's already a war criminal for authorizing drone strikes on Yemen and putting boots on the ground in Syria even before this false flag attack.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Foogan, what are you talking about? We opposed Hillary and supported Trump because he promised not to do things like this. The support is conditional.

  4. I know I could be wrong in this particular circumstance but I know Trump plays politics on a level that is surprisingly hard for many to understand. You can't take what he says and predict his next move. I see this Syria statement as him saying what he needed to say, in that moment, in order avoid damage control. He did nothing today except make a statement to the lying press. (What were his alternative options) And u know he remembers the last chemical attack.....which also looked like a false flag. The bottom line is I only judge Trump by his actions. I could be wrong w/ this, but I'm pretty sure what he said today was mostly smoke to give himself time.

    Anyway, when is Trump going to meet Putin?!
    I hope when they see each other they both burst into a deep hearty genuine laugh that reverberates off the marble walls of whatever hall they're in. Then, while laughing, they b-line and instead of shaking hands they hug it out like two brothers that haven't seen each other in years....i would laugh forever

    PS: I agree with Matt. This would be the first time Trump could do something that I genuinely thought he wouldn't do. We will see..

    1. I also am, playing the long game...time will tell.

    2. I am between sentiments - yours and pure let down. But like everyone here, regardless of what camp we are on, are watching the long game. Then we shall see if he sold out or playing 4d chess. Whatever it is, neither will surprise us.

    3. Finn Mach-

      Sure, one can grant your assertion that Trump may play politics on a level that many may not understand, but, why did he "need" to jump on the neo-con train? What "damage control" did he need to effect?

      His actions? He has orchestrated a neo-con takeover of his administration. Why would a man who is committed to "winning" and putting the brakes on empire sidle up to the jewish state and give his hebrew son-in-law such a prominent role in his administration?

      Liberty Mike

    4. finn
      just how i feel, how could he not remember the last chemical attack.
      why doesn't trump meet with assad?

    5. Finn, you echo my thoughts on Trump, but it is getting hard to swallow. Maybe wishful thinking on our parts? Anonymous, who posted at 6:53, you also bring up a good point. I guess we'll see....

    6. Mike: "Why did he need to jump on the neo-con train?"
      This is debatable. If he did idk why, in this instance it could potentially keep them at bay, but it means zero if he does nothing in the end. (Imagine pay lip service to ur mother-in-law, in order to keep the peace while have no intention of conceding to her demands)

      "What damage control did he prevent?"
      This is obvious, simply to preempt the "Trump doesn't care about dead babies" narrative. Also, notice he made no threats whatsoever, just that he's "changed", his future actions still remain completely ambiguous to everyone.

      "Neo-con takeover"
      Again debatable, and if yes, don't you see advantages to this? It serves the same purpose as satiating them rhetorically. It reality he gives up nothing.

      "Why give Hebrew son-in-law such prominent role"
      Not all Jews are (((Jews))). Also, maybe he just values trust very high.

      In the end this is a bell weather moment. The new, lite, and alt-right are all against this. (His active pre-proto revolution front line). Regime change would be catastrophic for him as a leader of this movement.

      Anonymous: he certainly remembers the last, possible false flag, chemical attack. (Obviously he couldn't voice skepticism at that moment) all of this leads me to believe he is playing trans dimensional backgammon again.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. "but I'm pretty sure what he said today was mostly smoke to give himself time."

      This is the hope. We will know soon.

    9. did they get him to abandon his base? He lost...literally everyone that got him elected on Twitter! He abandoned his meme factory!
      Never mind the absurdity of launching attacks on any bad guy that does something bad in the world, but how could he trust the intelligence?!?
      Shocked...and increasingly frightened by the fact it seems the fate of the world depends on a motley crew of outcast partially autistic weirdos

  5. At this point, this just another MSM attempt at moving their narrative. When Trump acts then I will react.

    1. That is true also. Cn't rule out fake news media and its disinformation apparatchiks.

  6. Maybe here's an explanation for Trump's current behavior:

    "In his memoir, Trump proudly described how in 1987 he bought his first casino interests when he purchased 93 percent of the voting stock in the Resorts International (RI) gambling concern.

    "What Trump didn’t say was that RI was controlled by a clique of sordid, international big-money elements in alliance with the Jewish crime syndicate which was, in turn, collaborating with the CIA and Israel’s Mossad in an array of inter-connected money-laundering operations.

    "The casinos laundered money for the CIA and the Mossad. In return, these agencies used their influence to ensure the mob remained protected from interference by law enforcement…"

    That's from the late Michael Collins Piper as quoted in my review of "The Money and the Power: The Making of Las Vegas and its Hold on America." There's more on Trump in the review.

    1. Thank you for posting this. I love that book and am a huge fan of the late Michael Collins Piper.

  7. I can't imagine Assad being stupid enough to carry something like this out knowing full well this will make people want to support his ousting, it's obviously false flag, propaganda whatever you want to call it. And as for the supposed "video evidence", alka seltzer for the foaming of the mouth works pretty well then you just get a bunch of people to roll around on the floor and try not to laugh.

    1. I agree. Why would Assad stage a chemical attack on his own people when he knows that western neocon warmongers are lusting after any justification to invade Syria and overthrow him?

      The hypocrisy of America's neocons is breathtaking. They are comfortable with the Pentagon contaminating the air, water and soil of the Balkans and Middle East with thousands of tons of depleted uranium which has a half life of about a billion years. Where's the outcry from Al Gore's tree huggers? Where is the concern from Doctors Without Borders that, because of this crime against humanity and the environment, that region of the world is experiencing massive birth defects and cancer and will continue to do so for all eternity? The silence from the SJW MSM regarding this colossal war crime is deafening.

    2. Metacynic you're exactly correct. Although I think doctors without borders has been fairly vocal, or at least until we "accidentally" took out one of their hospitals. SJWs are backed into a corner. Criticizing our actions in Syria amounts to criticism of their grand hero and Nobel peace prize winning Barack Obama. And that's just a step too far for most of them. As for the right wing, many of them already like neoconservative policies so they are happy to support the continued bombing of the middle east.

  8. IF Trump is not compromised....he must go to CONgress and ask for a declaration of WAR against Syria...since this is a Nation State and NOT just a group of terrorist...ACT of WAR to bomb any where inside of a nation state....OR if he does not then any nation ATTACKED can defend themselves...and we will then see the Syrians inside of the USA that obama has allowed in...retaliate against the aggressor....plain and simple...imho

  9. Almost prophetic, BM. I say almost, because the evidence was there, but you saw it in an instant. Takes us mortals longer to see it.

  10. I wonder if Trump realizes that he will in the end be blamed for getting the USA into an unnecessary war in Syria. All of these left wing anti-war people are waiting the in on the sidelines for this opportunity.

    Note that the "chemical attack" supposedly with a nerve agent is big on people with kids in photos and lite on data which should all be known now like the following:
    1. What is the gas?
    2. Where was it manufactured?
    3. Was it manufactured in the same place as the stuff the Syrians turned over to the Russians?
    4. Does the supposed chemical fit the symptoms?

    And the biggest question is:
    Why? Assad was winning? Why get the whole world pissed off and the USA in particular?

    1. Trump isn't going to be blamed for trivial things like an unnecessary war in Syria. He will be blamed for either World War III (whoever is left to blame him), or the collapse of the Empire...whichever comes first.

  11. It has been reported that 60 tomahawks were launched by these uSA against targets in Syria.

    Fuck Trump. Not a damn thing we can do as voters to change the fedgov.

    Congressional approval, Constitutional limits?

    F f f f f f. Now I expect Trump's admin to be more of the same.

    1. There are a few times when I allow such language in the comments; this day is one of those times.

    2. Bionic, it is not my normal way of speaking or writing.

      I typically use my phone to post and with my fat fingers I just seem unable to avoid typos. They grate me and I am sure to many. I apologize for them.

      Thanks for putting up with my posts.

  12. Trump = Hillary = Obama

    I am officialy a political orphan.

    1. The only wrinkle in your formula - and it is up to the people who thought they were voting for the guy who was giving the FU to the establishment: what is the view of the Trump supporters? What will be their view when things get worse - domestically and internationally?

      Because the one difference remaining in Trump vs. the other two warmongers is simply this: the people who voted for Trump were mad about SOMETHING. Let's see where they turn that anger when the time comes, because it will come...and maybe soon.

  13. One more time:

    Joey Diaz on Donald Trump

    Owyhee Cowboy

  14. Starting with the Balfour Declaration of 1917, then the 7 Days War of 1967 the writing has been on the wall. Armageddon will center around Damascus and there is nothing we can do but watch it unfold and suffer the consequences. How can we wash the blood guilt off our hands? Where is salvation? These are the signs of our times. Woe upon woe as we watch it unfold on CNN. All for the love of money aka mammon over the love of God. Matthew 6:19-24

    1. That was bad, but it started with the Sykes–Picot Agreement:
      "The Sykes–Picot Agreement /ˈsaɪks pi.ko/, officially known as the Asia Minor Agreement, was a secret 1916 agreement between Great Britain and France,[1] to which the Russian Empire assented. The agreement defined their mutually agreed spheres of influence and control in Southwestern Asia..."

    2. Hi. Do not watch CNN. If you want information, then read the epistle to the Hebrews, and think.
