
Monday, January 30, 2017

What Do I Tell My Daughter?

This morning, I’ll have to tell Layla that Hillary Clinton lost, that a woman won’t be president. Even more difficult, I’ll have to tell her that Donald Trump won. The man she knows as a bully who says terrible things about women, people with disabilities and immigrants – the man who brags about hurting people and separating families – will lead her nation.

I fought back tears as I sent them off on the subway to school on Wednesday morning. I feared for their safety in a way that’s fresher and more urgent than it has been since the days after 9/11, when my older child was a baby.

Now it’s 2 in the morning….In six hours they’ll wake up and we’ll have to figure out how to talk to them about the election; about the next few years; about what this means about how their country thinks not only of women but of queer people, immigrants, and people of color.

OK.  You get the point.

I have a suggestion.  Instead of whining in your self-absorbed cesspool of self-pity and narcissism, why not tell your daughters the following:

·        Americans didn’t want to elect a president who would thereafter belong on the Mt. Rushmore of corrupt presidents.
·        Americans didn’t want to elect a woman whose primary job qualifications were riding her (truly) sexist / rapist husband’s coattails to Washington.
·        Americans didn’t want to elect a woman who thought so little of herself that she would instead protect her sexist / rapist husband by attacking the victims of her husband’s aggression.
·        Americans didn’t want to elect someone who basked in the glory of killing millions of men, women and children of color throughout North Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia.
·        Americans didn’t want to elect someone who had close ties to Saudi Arabia, the most sexist, homophobic country on the face of the earth.
·        Americans didn’t want to elect someone whose ties to Wall Street evidence her controllers.
·        Americans didn’t want to elect someone who thought of most Americans as “deplorable.”
·        Americans didn’t want to elect someone who used the party machine to crush her more popular primary opponent.
·        Americans didn’t want to elect someone who couldn’t walk to her car without physical support.
·        Americans were tired of having your cultural nightmares crammed down their throats.
·        Americans didn’t want to elect someone who represented so many things you claim to hate while you basked in the self-righteous hypocrisy of giving her your full support.


Americans didn’t want to elect the only candidate the democrats could have nominated that could lose – for all of the above reasons and more – to Donald Trump.

And after all of this, you can try to explain to your daughter why you so desperately wanted this deplorable candidate to become the next president of the United States.


  1. Absolutely perfect, BM. Unfortunately, they aren't going to listen.

    1. Thank you, and I agree about the not listening part.

  2. Tell her that if she wants the "Big Job" then she has to earn it.

  3. It's disturbing that the presidential election is so important.
    That said, most of those 'what am I going to tell my daughter' shriekers are just virtue signalling. They want everyone to know that they're not part of the the great unwashed.

  4. tell her that Carly Fiorina was absolutely right - traveling is not an accomplishment

    and add to that

    corruption is not an accomplishment

    and add to that

    operating a coin-operated State Department is not an accomplishment

    and add to that

    advocating the murder of babies (abortion) is not an accomplishment

    and add to that

    promising to put people out of work and shut down an entire industry is not an accomplishment
